iPhone Chargers

Charging your iPhone safely

From the early-day iPhone 3G through the iPhone 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 generations to the latest generation iPhone X. Around 200 million Apple iPhones are now sold each year worldwide. But do you know the dangers surrounding fake iPhone chargers?

1.8 million mobile phone chargers are bought online each year in the UK by mobile phone owners in search of a bargain. Though it’s often cheaper to buy imported, unofficial chargers, the cost can be much greater in the long run...

Fake mobile phone chargers are often made with poor quality components that fail to meet UK safety regulations. This means they can cause injury, electric shocks and even fires.

How to spot a fake iPhone charger

You don’t need to be an expert to spot the difference between a genuine and fake Apple iPhone charger - our handy guide will tell you everything you need to know.

  • Text and markings on the plug
    Look for missing markings (like the CE mark) or spelling errors. These are the easiest way to spot a counterfeit - but beware, as fake products are becoming more sophisticated.
  • Plug pin finish
    This can be another fairly obvious indicator of a fake. The finish on a genuine charger is high quality, matte and uniform. On counterfeit chargers the finish is usually glossy or shiny with imperfections.
  • USB port
    The USB port on a counterfeit charger might be upside down, or in a different place. A genuine charger will also have a serial number at the back of the USB port.
  • Materials
    Our testing has shown that the pins on counterfeit plugs are much weaker than required by the standard. This is typically because they are metal-coated hollow plastic, rather than the solid metal used in genuine products. An easy check for this is to simply flick the largest pin and listen to the noise it makes. A genuine plug will sound and feel solid, while counterfeit products will make a ‘plastic’ noise and feel hollow.
  • Weight
    As counterfeit chargers contain few, if any, of the higher quality components required for safety, they are usually significantly lighter than genuine chargers. The charger should weigh at least 40g.
  • Shape and dimensions
    The plug pins on a fake Apple iPhone charger may be larger or smaller than a genuine one, and may be positioned in a different place. The easiest way to check is by using the Electrical Safety First plug checker tool.

iPhone chargers

Apple is well known for its brilliant technology, and many households own several Apple products – which means you might well be in need of more than one charger to power them all...

The best way to be sure that you’re not sold a fake charger is to buy from one of the many Apple stores you’ll find on the UK high street or another reputable retailer.

Think your iPhone charger could be a fake or not fit for purpose? Follow our 3-point safety check to find out.