Electrical Safety Council ignites kitchen safety this Christmas

01 December 2006

Kitchen safety

The electrical safety champion, the Electrical Safety Council is warning the public to take extra care in their kitchens this Christmas.

Statistics show that more domestic fires occur at Christmas than at any other time of the year. Kitchen fires are the most common, with electrical hazards the third most frequent cause. But fire, isn't the only hazard, warns the Electrical Safety Council. The combination of water and electricity in busy kitchens can also have lethal consequences.

Terry Pack, head of campaigns at the Electrical Safety Council said: "With the hectic schedule Christmas imposes, electrical safety, particularly in a busy kitchen can often get overlooked. Even while you are rushing to get your Christmas turkey to the table, it is still vitally important that people are aware of the dangers and make sure they are working safely."

To help combat electrical danger in the kitchen, the Electrical Safety Council has come up with some top tips to make sure everyone has a safe and enjoyable Christmas.

  • Never use any electrical equipment or switches with wet hands.
  • Don't overload sockets with too many appliances
  • Don't let leads from appliances like kettles or toasters trail across the cooker
  • Don't wait until Christmas Day to check kitchen appliances for fraying cables.
  • Don't wrap flexible cables around any equipment when it is still warm.
  • Use an RCD safety device when plugging in any outside equipment (eg Christmas lights) to an indoor socket

For further information contact media@electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk