Flood Damage and Electrical Safety

14 June 2009

Flooding advice

Consumer safety body, the Electrical Safety Council, is issuing essential safety advice for households in Caerphilly that have been affected by flood water as a result of the recent severe weather conditions.

“Water and electricity are a lethal combination”, says Phil Buckle, Director of Charitable Affairs at the Electrical Safety Council. “Anyone who has suffered a flood in their home must consider the damage that may have been caused to their electrical wiring, sockets and electrical appliances. Flood-damaged electrical goods and installations may be dangerous and anyone concerned about their safety should ask a registered electrician to assess their safety and condition before use.”

The Electrical Safety Council has put together the following advice for householders, in dealing with flood damage to their homes, once the water has subsided:


  • Make sure the property is safe before you enter.
  • Have a torch at hand when entering the property.
  • Switch off the electricity supply at the fusebox (consumer unit), if it is safe to do so.
  • Arrange for other services, such as gas, to be turned off by the service providers. The electricity and gas supplies should remain off until advised by them it is safe to turn them back on.
  • Contact your insurance company (and your landlord, if applicable) to tell them what’s happened and to get advice and take instruction.
  • Use a registered electrician to assess the condition and safety of the electrical wiring in the property and fixed and portable electrical appliances affected by the flood.
  • Seek professional advice about the restoration of your property, before clean up commences.


  • Attempt to switch on the lights or use candles to guide you.
  • Switch on any electrical appliances in the areas affected by the flood until they have been tested and assessed as safe by a registered electrician.
  • Attempt any electrical repairs or connection of temporary electrical supplies yourself.
  • Touch any exposed wires – they may still be live.

Start to clean up until you are sure it is safe to do so.

The Electrical Safety Council has produced a leaflet advising how to deal with flood damaged property.

For more information please contact media@electricalsafetyfirst.org.uk