Power supply supplied with product is non-compliant.
Models affected
USB2 External 3.5" HDu Enclosures
SKUs - located on side or underside of metal enclosure:
Metal hard drive enclosures, packaged in a printed cardboard box - see images
What to do next
If you have an affected product please stop using it and contact Dynamode for further instructions.
Dynamode state that "Though the actual power supplies present no risk and are safe to use, we would like to recall the enclosures for changing the power supply and upgrade where necessary."
Please see the webpage below for further details:
For any questions please contact Dynamode UK on:
0845 0758 326 or 0845 375 2023
A dedicated recall email address is available: recallrma@dynamode.com
Electrical Safety First recommends that anyone who discovers they have an electrical item that has been recalled should stop using it until it has been checked by the manufacturer.