Watts to Amps Calculator
You can calculate Amps using the relationship between Amps, Volts and Watts. To calculate Watts to Amps, simply fill in the values below and click ‘calculate’.
Find out how to convert Amps to Watts here or how to calculate Ohm's Law here.
Watts to Amps Formula
Alternatively to using the calculator, here are some basic equations which allow you to calculate the missing information on your own.
Watts / Volts = Amps
- 4160 Watts / 208 Volts = 20 Amps
- 3600 Watts / 240 Volts = 15 Amps
What are Amps, Volts and Watts?
Amps measure the flow of electricity as an electric current. You should think of electric current as the flow of water through a hosepipe. The more water flowing through the hosepipe, the stronger the current is.
Volts are the measurement used to determine how much force is needed to cause the electric current to flow. In keeping with the earlier example, you could think of volts as the water pressure in the hosepipe, which makes the water flow.
Amps multiplied by Volts equals Watts, which is the measurement used to determine the amount of energy. The higher the wattage is, the more power and output from the appliance. In terms of the hosepipe example, this would refer to the amount of water being released.
AC and DC power systems
The labels ‘AC’ and ‘DC’ are used to describe the types of current flow in a circuit. For direct current (DC) the electric current flows only in one direction. However, in alternating current (AC) the electric current changes direction at 50 times per second (50 Hz or hertz) in the UK supply.
An example of direct current would be a battery powered torch. Alternating current (AC) is used to supply things like houses and buildings and mains connected appliances.
Here’s our guide to the current ratings of commonly-used domestic appliances. The appliance power ratings suggested are indicative only.

Please note
If you are completing electrical projects in the home please seek out professional advice first.