Why choose a registered electrician?
A properly installed and well-maintained installation can significantly reduce the possibility of ac...
A properly installed and well-maintained installation can significantly reduce the possibility of ac...
We’re all becoming a little more environmentally conscious these days. Supermarkets have started to ...
Is your relationship feeling a little dull?Electrical Safety First may not usually be the first plac...
Would you let someone into your home if there was a chance that they could injure or even kill you a...
Want to hear a scary fact? A quarter of UK adults do not use registered electricians. Here’s another...
All over the country, people are being severely injured or killed in preventable house fires caused ...
It’s that time of year again! Around the end of December, stuffed with mince pies and leftover turke...
More than 20,000 house fires are caused by electricity each year in the UK. This is why we work with...
After shelling out a couple of hundred pounds for a phone, it’s tempting to cut corners when it come...